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Isaiah 53:7-8a - Silence

Posted by Anonymous User 
Anonymous User
Isaiah 53:7-8a - Silence
March 11, 2008 07:59AM
“He was oppressed, [yet when] He was afflicted, He was submissive and opened not His mouth; like a lamb that is led to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so He opened not His mouth. By oppression and judgment He was taken away,” Isaiah 53:7-8a

Even as a child, it was near to impossible for me to keep my mouth shut if I felt I was unjustly accused of something and I was the first one to my defense. Normally these encounters took place between my parents and myself leaving me unfairly punished for their unjust conclusion of my guilt. How many out there know what I’m talking about? Looking back, they were right and the running of my mouth before my parents was enough to put the law of the house into play, but back then it just didn’t seem fair! So when I think of Jesus standing before His accusers and not saying one word - nada - is nothing short of amazing to me! It’s one thing to think you’re innocent (though there is a nudging inside you that tells you otherwise) and quite another to know there is not an ounce of guilt within you for you are sin free! And He said nothing! Amazing!

I can just picture Jesus standing before these men, speaking to God, “Father, the hour has come. What do I say. How do I answer their accusations?” And I hear the Father replying, “Be still My Son. Know that it is written that You will be led lamb to the slaughter and opened not his mouth. The time of judging the innocent has come that You might be found guilty, giving Your life that Your innocent blood might be shed for the propitiation of the sinners. It is the time of that fulfillment. Know that I am well pleased with You and that I love You. If there was any other way, I would not ask this of You but there is no other way.”

A silent voice before His accusers whose unspoken words ring out to us today, “I have come to fulfill that which was written of Me hundreds, even thousands of years before. I will do as the Father says knowing that I have come to bring them life. Father, not My will be done but thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven….” Jesus, thank You for Your obedience to the Father. Help us to be like You, in Your name we pray. Amen.
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