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Hebrews 12:2 - Our Faith

Posted by Anonymous User 
Anonymous User
Hebrews 12:2 - Our Faith
March 29, 2008 07:30AM
“Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Hebrews 12:2

While seeking the Lord for understanding on this verse, the verse in Revelation came to remembrance, “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end” (Revelation 1:11). Jesus is the beginning and end of faith. Our faith begins in Him and it is ends in Him alone.

Let us look at Jesus, the author of our faith. First, we know that Jesus is both the written and revealed Word of God. Let us look at John 1:1-3, “In the beginning [before all time] was the Word (Christ), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God Himself. He was present originally with God. All things were made and came into existence through Him and without Him was not even one thing made that has come into being.” What a powerful truth! Through Jesus came all things! While many in this world would think that Jesus came into existence 2,000 years ago the fact is that He existed with God before all time! He always was and always is. Hallelujah! While Christians have longed for Jesus’ return for these past 20 centuries, the Jewish people look for the coming of their Messiah for some 6,000 years not knowing that Christ Jesus is one in the same for Whom they are looking. Though they are not aware of it, it is Jesus Who is the author of their faith as well. It is Jesus that all men are looking for whether they are aware of it or not for through Him they find their heavenly Father and in Him is completeness.

Yes, in Jesus our faith is complete. Only through Jesus are we made whole and only through Him are we reunited with God, having His Spirit abiding in us, our heavenly Father’s DNA pulsing through our being. In the beginning we were created in God’s image, created with Holy Spirit. Because of sin the holiness of God ceased from being in man and all that was left was the spirit of man. Let us liken the spirit to oxygen. There is the oxygen we breath every day but we know it is filled with impurities from factories, cars, etc. etc. Yet we are still able to exist, though not at the best level, with this impure oxygen. I would liken that to the spirit of man. Then there is the pure oxygen that can bring healing to the body, that gives us strength and mends a weakened body, clears a “foggy” mind. That can be likened to the Spirit of God. When God created man in His image He desired that they would love Him as much as He loved them and would be obedient to Him for He knows what is best for us (and is this not what most loving parents want for their children?) But because of disobedience the Spirit of God “died” in man leaving just the impure spirit of man within. Yet this did not come as a surprise to God for even then He had a plan to redeem man. There by His side was His Son, Christ Jesus. Before Scripture was written, there was Jesus. Before man sinned, there was Jesus in the wings of the Father waiting for the right time to make His entrance upon the earth. In Him, through Him and with Him is our faith complete. He is the object of our faith, He activates our faith and He completes our faith. He is our three cord strand and without Him we breathe the very impurities the world offers us. God forbid that we should live without faith in Him! Jesus alone gives us life and helps us to sustain it. As we read this “Book” written by Him, with the help of the Holy Spirit given to us by Christ Jesus (that pure oxygen) we come to know the will of the Father and are able to do it! Hallelujah! Without Jesus, without submitting to Him and following His lead, then we will have our actions tainted with the impurities of this world.

Let me share with you a vision the Lord showed me a few days ago. In this vision I saw a field filled with many, many flowers. Some were absolutely gorgeous, some were pretty, some plain and some that even looked ugly to the natural eye, some were tall, some short. There were large flowers and small ones and there were so many different colors you couldn’t count. And then the Lord spoke to my spirit and said, “These represent the people of the world. As you look with your natural eye there will be many that will appeal to you and some that you will reject.” As I was pondering His words it was as if Jesus came into the midst of these flowers and extended His hand to me saying, “If you will hold fast to Me I will show you My love for each and every one of them. Each is special in My sight and I love them all.” I was humbled by His words and knew that only with Him could I come to know the love of God for each one, not looking at their appearance as the natural eye was doing but looking through His eyes of love would I ever be able to love them as He does.

“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen (Hebrews 11:1).” It is only through Christ Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, that these things will be complete. Praise His Holy Name!
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