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I John 2:25 - Benefits and Promises

Posted by Anonymous User 
Anonymous User
I John 2:25 - Benefits and Promises
April 18, 2008 07:50AM
v 25 “And this is the promise that he hath promised us, even eternal life.” {I John 2:25}

There are many “benefits” to believing in and following our Lord Jesus and the Father who sent him, we are sons and daughters of the most high God, we have the gift ministries available to us, there’s also the five fold ministry’s. I could go on listing the “benefits” but there are so many I can’t go through them right now.

Last night my wife and I were discussing our devotionals and where we wanted to go with the current devotionals. We were in agreement that for the time being the Lord wanted us to concentrate on the “benefits” of following him. Earlier that day while reading my bible I came across this verse in I John, and I wanted to include it in the devotionals. Benefits verses promises. We discussed this also, then one of us stated that part of the benefits of following the Lord are the promises that our Lord promised us and that we can make these promises our very own to have and to hold. Discussion settled.

I John 2:25 is a promise that none of us with our finite minds could ever comprehend, yet all of us are striving for - eternal life.

Mr. Webster in his dictionary defines “eternal” as 1. Without beginning or end and timeless.

In this world we are time ’bound’, 60 minute to an hour, 24 hour to a day, 365.25 days to a year. Our mortal bodies live and die within this time frame, but Gods promise of eternal life, a benefit, is there for our taking,. Living forevermore with our Lord and saviour, Jesus and our Father is a “benefit” that all of us are striving to obtain.
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