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Read the New Testament in Three Months - October 22 - Luke 4 - 5

Posted by Anonymous User 
Anonymous User
Read the New Testament in Three Months - October 22 - Luke 4 - 5
October 22, 2018 08:53AM
Read the New Testament in Three Months

October 22 - Luke 4 - 5

How wonderful is Your Word, Father! How grateful I am for it. "Taste and see that it is good." Amen and amen to that!

What a banquet He has set before us. Today I will share a tidbit of it with you. It is found in Luke 4:4-8, telling about Jesus coming up to Simon and asking if He could use his boat to talk to the people and after talking to the people for awhile, Jesus tells Simon to let down his nets again to catch fish. Now Simon had just labored hard the night before to doing just that but they didn't catch anything.

Now here's where it gets really good (actually, its all good!). Simon could have said thanks but no thanks. Done that without any success. But he doesn't. He decides to obey the request given to him by Jesus. And the results were spectacular! They caught so much fish the nets were tearing. That was a far cry to what happened the night before! Obedience! That was what stood out. What if Simon hadn't followed what Jesus said to do? Surely he wouldn't have caught all those fish and probably would not have known what a blessed opportunity he had missed. Made me think, what blessings have I and others missed because we choose not to follow His leading? What things has He placed upon our hearts that has gone unheeded simply because we didn't feel like we could do it or because we didn't want to do it? Now, I do not believe our Heavenly Father want us to walk in guilt and shame. But I do believe He wants us to learn from our mistakes, from our disobedience. Oh, how we need to listen intently for His voice to guide and lead us. Please help us to be more sensitive even to Your whispers, Holy One, in Jesus' Name we pray. Amen.
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