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Read New Testament in Three Months - October 24 - Luke 8 - 9
October 24, 2018 08:55AM
Read the New Testament in Three Months

October 24 Luke 8 - 9

So much to choose from to share with today's two chapters of Scripture! What a treasure is the Word of God! What stood out for today is the accounts of Jesus delivering people from demons that were tormenting them. In Luke 8:27-33 we have the demon possessed man who was tormented by a lesion of demons.Wow! We might wonder if that is even possible! Yet the Word states that it clearly is! And how about the son in Chapter 9 of Luke, verses 37-39 who was overcome by a demon that caused the son to cry out, convulse and foam at the mouth? We live in a time and age that an awareness of demon spirits roaming around and taking possession of people is thought of as a fairy tale, something that doesn't happen now. The supernatural realm doesn't have any effect now, many thing. But they would be so wrong! Just because we don't believe in something doesn't mean it isn't true.Some don't believe in angels, yet they exist. Some don't believe in demons, yet they exist. We are living in a time where God desires we be aware of the spirit realm, and that we discern what is from His Kingdom and what is not. Just as Jesus shows the authority He had have these demonic forces, so must we know as His children that we have the same authority so that we do not walk in fear of them. We read in 1 John 4:4, "Greater is He that is in you than he who is in the world." This should take any fear from our hearts concerning the demonic realm!

May God bless you today with a greater understanding of Who He is and who you are in Christ Jesus!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/24/2018 02:13PM by Joan.
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