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Read the New Testament in Three Months - October 31 - Luke 23 - 24
October 31, 2018 09:26AM
Read the New Testament in Three Months

October 31 - Luke 23 - 24

These two chapters in Luke are so impacting as we meditate on what took place. We see where Jesus is being accused of things He did not do, yet the crowds yelled out for Him to be punished. Unfortunately, we can see that take place in our own politics today which is just as unsettling for those there who knew Jesus was innocent of the things they were accusing Him of.

At Jesus' crucifixion we can only imagine what the people felt who loved Him. For His own family to see Him suffer as He did. What must have Jesus felt when all the sins of the world was placed on His shoulders? He who knew no sin became sin ridden because of our deeds, not His own. We can't imagine what pain and shame that brought Him. But He did it gladly, knowing that was why He had come on earth, that our sins could be forgiven through Him.

There were two things that showed the times they lived in had supernatural things going on. In Luke 24, after talking to the men in Emmaus where after they recognized Jesus, He simple disappeared. Further in Luke it said the people who saw Jesus thought they had seen a spirit! So they were familiar with that. Supernatural things happened then and they still happen today.

And for us, one of the greatest supernatural event to take place was for Christ Jesus to rise from the dead, fulfilling what was written in the Old Testament and what He promised would happen to Him. How amazing His sacrifice, how incredible His love, how redeeming His resurrection! Hallelujah!!!
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