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25 Days of Christmas - Day 6
December 06, 2018 08:05AM
25 Days of Christmas - Day 6

" So, come out from among [unbelievers], and separate [sever] yourselves from them, says the Lord, and touch not [any] unclean thing; then I will receive you kindly and treat you with favor. And I will be a Father to you, and you shall be My sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty." 2 Corinthians 6:17-18

Do we not wish to have our Father's favor, to be wrapped in His love and treated kindly by Him? We know that our heavenly Father loves us because He sent His Son to die for our sins so that we could be reconciled to Him. We know that God had fellowship in the garden with man but man's disobedience caused that fellowship to be broken and through Jesus Christ's obedience to be the sacrifice for our sins, man relationship with God was made available once more.

And God longs for us to be His sons and daughters, those who recognize Who their heavenly Father is and who live according to His guidelines and rearing. While it is the shed blood of the Lamb that reconciles us to God, it is our obedience to Him that He is desiring knowing that it is for our own good.

Today, meditate on God being your Daddy, one Who loves You so and wants to fellowship with you. Consider what a good father is. Some of you might have been raised by a loving dad and/or mom, others might not have so for them it will be hard to relate. A good parent is one who loves the children more than themselves and who only want the best for their children. It is their desire to raise these children to be responsible, loving adults. A good parent is one whose had acquired wisdom and understanding over the years and strives to pass that on to their children. A good parent encourages their children on and recognizes their strengths and weaknesses and works on building them up where they can but not beating them down at the same time. A good parent will correct their children when needed and will know when not to spare the rod so that in days ahead the children can be spared a much harder punishment by nipping it in the bud before the wrong behavior is allowed to grow. These are just some qualities of a good parent. As we mediate on these let us recognize that the rules God has set up in His Word does not come from an unloving Creator but rather He has set them their as His guidelines for our "growing up" to be responsible kids of the most High Daddy God...
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