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Matthew 22:37-38 - First And Great Commandment

Posted by Anonymous User 
Anonymous User
Matthew 22:37-38 - First And Great Commandment
December 12, 2007 06:02AM
v 37 “Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.”
v 38 “This is the first and great commandment.” {Matthew 22:37-38}

Our daddy in heaven loves to be loved, so much so that he created Adam and Eve just to walk and talk with him and to love him. So what greater gift is there than love? When we love someone with all our being not only is our love complete, but the person that our affection is directed to feels wanted, needed and special.

When a child first puts crayon to paper and then they rush to you and presences their treasure to you, it is all done with love, and when that child grows older and writes a poem and presents it to you, this is a further expression of their love for you. Can we love our heavenly father any less? All of us have taken our first ‘baby step’ and have presented to our heavenly Father our crayon drawing. Now our abba {daddy} is just waiting for us to grow up and present to him our own love poem.

How many of us had to be told to ‘love’ our earthly mother and father? I know that I wasn’t told that I had to love my mom and dad, it was and is a natural/normal thing to love my parents. So why then should our heavenly father have to tell us “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind“ and make this “the first and great commandment“ when with the same natural affection that we show toward our earthly parents we should love our heavenly daddy.

As we approach the ‘birth day’ of the only begotten son of the father, Jesus, what greater gift could we give than to love them with all our heart {from which flows the issues of life}, all our soul {our thoughts and emotions}, and all of our mind {intellect}. My daddy and his son love me unconditionally and I love them unconditionally.

Are you willing to join me in this, the greatest gift than we can give, love.
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