Anonymous User
Our Gracious God
August 02, 2008 10:13AM
Have you ever had one of those "bleh" moments? They really stink! I had one for a few days. I kept telling myself that God was never able to forgive me, and that I would be stuck forever. Pfft! Okay so I know the truth, but sometimes it is hard to listen to our own advice right? Whenever I find a verse that I can relate to, I cling to it! Last night, well actually, at 2 this morning, I walked into my room and noticed that one of my sticky notes fell off my wall. I was actually kind of mad because I didn't want the sticky note to be on my floor, but rather on my wall! When I went to pick it up, I decided to read it. I remember writing this verse on the sticky note and sticking it to my door because I figured I would read it everytime I left my room! Here is what it said! Pslam 103:8-9 "The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love. He will not always accuse, nor will He harbor His anger forever!" I love how things come to us right when we need to hear them! So I know the blehness wont go away right away, but being able to actually go to God and know that He is not angry with me, but loves me more than I can ever imagine really helped. This graciousness of His has also reminded me that we are to be in His image. Does that not also mean that we should be gracious as well? Slow to anger? We are all going to make mistakes, and we are not perfect, but our awesome God will always be there to catch us!
Anonymous User
Re: Our Gracious God
August 03, 2008 08:02AM
Hi Honey,

Praise be to God! What words of wisdom you offer here. While we live in a fallen world that is not how a believer in Christ should see themselves. Once we were seperated from God because of sin but through Christ Jesus that great chasm has been filled by grace. Glory to God!

It is amazing how God works in our lives, isn't it. Could it have been the Holy Spirit knocked down the sticky note that was needed by you for that moment. Or could it have been an angel appointed to watch over you that saw the Word that would bring you comfort and strength in your time of need? Right now we can not be certain but there is no doubt that it was God's plan to have that note available to you that you could find strength through His Word. It truly is amazing how much He loves us and how much He wants us to know that, huh?

And, yes, His desire is that we be conformed into the image of His Son (Romans 8:29), putting on the mind of Christ (Romans 12:2, walking upon this earth as Christ Jesus walked and doing the things that He did and greater things than this (John 14:12) to the glory of our heavenly Father. That's amazing, isn't it. God has entrusted us with the same works that His Son did. Glory!!!

By the way, I pray you are not feeling "bleh" any more. We need to remind each other of God's great love for us and that it is not His desire that we feel "bleh". That is the tactic of the enemy, not our heavenly Father. While God will bring correction to us, He does not bring condemnation. Let us keep that ole bird under our feet and bring glory to our Lord by trusting in His Word, both written and revealed. Hallelujah!!!

In His love,
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