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Hard Trusting in Him

Posted by Anonymous User 
Anonymous User
Hard Trusting in Him
August 02, 2008 10:19AM
While at Hershey Park this past week, I was thinking. We trust that these roller coasters are safe for us to ride. We put our trust in those who are in charge of running them. Last night, we wanted to get on this one ride one last time. While in line, they made the announcement that they were having technical difficulties and were temporarily closed. Um...that doesn't sound safe to me! Within 15 minutes they reopened the ride. I turned to one of my friends and told her that this wasn't very comforting knowing that there still may be something wrong! 15 minutes is not a very long time! Also, those things that strap you in, how can we really trust them? My question is, how can we trust people we dont even know, and how can we trust in a ride that could end our lives, but yet we can not trust in God? There is nothing that says that God is going to hurt us, but yet we trust something that says that this park is not liable for any deaths or injuries!? I really couldn't comprehend this today. The sad thing is, I am speaking to myself! If we would just put our lives in the hands of God and let Him have complete control, things would be okay! He isn't going to hurt us! His plans are for us to prosper, not to be hurt! If we would trust God like we trusted a roller coaster, our faith would be large! Think of how much our relationship with Him would improve. Trusting in Him would draw us closer to Him!
Anonymous User
Re: Hard Trusting in Him
August 03, 2008 12:01PM
Very interesting observation. In Proverbs 1:7 we read, "The reverent and worshipful fear of the Lord is the beginning and the principal and choice part of knowledge [its starting point and its essence]; but fools despise skillful and godly Wisdom, instruction, and discipline. (Amplified Bible)" The enemy's tactic is to get us so caught up in this world that we will not give our time or alligience to Him who is so richly deserving of it! Each morning as we head off to school or work we are placing our trust in our vehicles to get us there. Parents trust their children to the care of almost strangers as they send them off to day care or school. Patients trust their doctors often times with their very life. And, as you stated, many trust the operators of these rides in amusement parks and the very rides themselves. Why is it so easy to place our trust in virtual strangers yet so hard to place our trust in the Creator of the universe, you ask? Very good question!

Since the enemy has come to "rob, steal and destroy" and Jesus came "that we might have life, and have it more abundantly" (John 10:10) it is safe to say that satan and his demons try to rob us of our inheritance in Christ Jesus, stealing our very hope and future from us, if we allow him to, and destroy the very works and plans that our heavenly Father desires us to walk in. As we come to realize that our hope and trust should be in God rather than this world then we can allow the Holy Spirit to change our thinking. Should we trust the things of this world more than we trust God? Absolutely not! God desires that He becomes more real to us than the things we see, hear, touch, smell, etc. yet it is up to us to learn about Him and His ways. That is why fellowship with our heavenly Father and our Lord, Jesus Christ is so important. God doesn't want us to fantasize who He is. He wants us to KNOW Him! Like with any relationship, that takes time. The spiritual realm is more real than the natural realm in which we abide. God is Spirit and He existed long before He created the heavens and the earth!

Why do we not trust God more? Mostly because we really don't know Him, His character and His unending love towards those who love Him. And because we are deceived into thinking things in this world is more real than the spiritual realm. The enemy is the deceiver and he has done his job well and it's time for us, as believers, to stir up our faith in our most High God and draw closer to our Lord Jesus and recognize what He accomplished upon the cross! We are no longer of this world if we believe in Christ Jesus, but we are new creation, born again of His seed, of spirit and having the same DNA that Jesus has, that of His heavenly Father! We need to meditate on the truths that are given to us in Scripture and that which the Holy Spirit desires to reveal to us. The Bible tells us in Hebrews 11:6, "But without faith it is impossible to please and be satisfactory to Him. For whoever would come near to God must [necessarily] believe that God exists and that He is the rewarder of those who earnestly and diligently seek Him [out]." We are called to be believers and to walk in faith that God is Who He said He is and He will do what He has promised to do.

Let us ask the Holy Spirit to help us in our journey of trusting Him more, in Jesus' name we pray. Amen.
Anonymous User
Re: Hard Trusting in Him
August 06, 2008 04:56PM
I think another reason as to why it is so hard for us to trust in Him is because we can not fully understand His love for us. This world has given such a small vision of what love really is, and people do not trust anyone anymore. It is so hard to truth when we see trust being broken everyday. How then can we trust in a God, a God who we can't physically see, with our lives? I believe that that is another problem that we are facing. It is hard for us to believe that He wants what is best for us when those around us are really selfish. It is better to trust in something that you can see rather than something that is rather unknown.

Also, people are afraid to turn to God's word because either they do not believe in it, or they fear that they will have to change their lives way too much. Its more of a convenience thing as well.
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