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You Are Beautiful
August 02, 2008 10:21AM
One day when I was doing my devotionals...the story was about Sarah and how her beauty got her into trouble. She was so beautiful that the Pharoh was going to take her as his wife, because Abraham said that she was his sister. One of the verses that was included in the devotional was 1 Samuel 16:7. Here is what it says : "But the LORD said to Samuel, "Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart." Many women spend thousands upon thousands of dollars to make their outward appearance more beautiful. After reading that devotional...I realized that there were little things that I was doing that was putting my outward beauty in front of my inner beauty. Now, when getting ready for the day, I try to look at what I am doing and ask myself questions. Is what I am wearing bringing glory to God? Am I spending too much time on getting ready? Am I overly concerned about how I look? I wrote this verse out on a pink sticky note and posted it on every mirror that I use in the house. I think that I am even going to put them on my dresser and on the doors to my closet. Next time you feel like you are not beautiful enough, remember what God says. Your outward beauty means nothing, for God looks into the heart!
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