Anonymous User
Think On These Things
August 05, 2008 07:09PM
Philippians 4:8 "8Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things." Last night, as I was sitting outside looking onto the ocean, I began having thoughts that were really saddening. Memories that tend to haunt me at times, and thoughts of false truths. It really bothered me, and I knew that I was not going to be able to handle them on my own. I went and opened up my bible and fell upon this verse. So, I thought about it. Like, how am I supposed to think of those kinds of things when my head is full of discouragement right now!? I went through each of them and asked myself, "okay, so what is true in my life?" I did this for all of them, and by the time I was done, the memories were gone and I was able to get to bed. After having these thoughts, I am sometimes afraid to go to sleep for fear of having bad dreams. I turned on some praise music and thought about the things I came up with. What's even better is when you ask...what is true about Christ? Going through and making a list really changes your focus and helps you to think on the more positive things of your life. I know for sure that next time I get thoughts like that, I will be turning to this verse and making my list again! Remember, Christ is more powerful than any thought that you have or will ever have!
Anonymous User
Re: Think On These Things
August 06, 2008 11:54AM
Hi Naja,

You know, God never ceases to amaze me. He is so active in our lives and often times we've got no clue it is Him! As I told you yesterday, I really love this verse that you presented here. Truly we must think about the noble things, the right things, the admirable things, etc., etc. As we do this we become like-minded with our Lord, looking upon the things of our heavenly Father rather than the things of the world. Oh, how the enemy wants us to think about the negative things in our lives, about every sin we have committed, every wrong that has been done to us, etc., etc., etc. In so doing the ole bird is taking us away from the Light and every good thing that proceeds down from the Father of Lights. We need to keep that ole bird under our feet where he belongs and continue to set our eyes upon Him Who is worthy and who loves us with an unending love.

Just this morning I was reading a book entitled "Angels on Assignment" by Charles and Frances Hunter as told by Roland Buck. Roland Buck had many encounters with angels and these angels would give him messages from God. Roland, from his encounter with an angel, shared how God's "whole desire is for you. He loves you! He's not looking for some reason to cast you away. He is looking for every reason to hold you!" Hallelujah! Satan and his demons would want us to think that God is keeping His big eye on us, waiting for us to slip up so that He can condemn us and slap us silly. But that is not the way our God is! He loves His creation. He loves every person that is born and desires that they turn to Him and away from their sinful ways because He knows the destruction that sin can bring. He doesn't hate us because we are sinning. He hates the sin that will bring us pain and sorrow! That's why God hates sin because it hurts us!!! Sure puts a different persepective when we think of it that way. It is His love for us that wants us to have the very best, ya know?

I think the idea about your making a list. At one time I posted along with others at a different site our "Grateful List", listing each day the things we are grateful for. Hmm, might want to start one here. We'll see.

Well, have to go. Please keep posting and continue to draw close to Him, the best place to be!

Love ya,
Anonymous User
Re: Think On These Things
August 06, 2008 04:52PM
I think the idea of starting a greatful list is awesome! Sometimes we get caught up in so much of the negative things of life that we become sort of selfish. God has given us so much and we take too much time and energy to focus on the bad things. Paul is right when he tells us to think about such things. Theres a reason as to why he doesnt tell us to think about negative things. He knew what the consequences would be!
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