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Bad Day, Rely On Christ!

Posted by Anonymous User 
Anonymous User
Bad Day, Rely On Christ!
February 19, 2009 09:51PM
Psalm 86:7 says "In the day of my trouble I will call to you, for you will answer me." Bad days really suck. Sometimes, its really hard to not get depressed and want to curl up inside yourself and hide. I know that there were a couple of days like that this past week. They weren't necessarily horrible, but there were just some days where I questioned what the heck I was doing with myself. I decided to try a new plan. Instead of just hiding away until those feelings went away, I decided to go through all of the Psalms and look for areas where the writer talked about God making bad days better basically. I found quite a few, and dang, they really work! It was awesome to see how instead of waiting around for the feelings to go away, God took away those feelings just with His word. Not only did this teach me that God can make bad days better, but His word can do so much more. Think about it this way. Whenever you have a problem, a good day, or anything that is going on, search through the bible and find areas that are specifically about that certain area. I think if we would rely so much more on God's word to help us manage our lives, we would be better off. Why rely on friends when God is right there for you as well? Why not turn to God more instead of thinking that we can handle things on our own? God's word is more powerful than we may think.
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