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Our Secret Place (556 Views)
September 28, 2007 08:04AM
Good morning all,

This was in my mailbox when I woke up this morning. Considering the fact that the Lord has been impressing upon us the importance of spending time with Him, felt this was a very appropriate word to share with the body of Christ. Too often we put this "Secret Place" time with the Lord low on our priorities and it should be top on our list. Without spending time with Him daily we will be like an oil lamp who runs on what is it in. Eventually the oil will run out and the light given from it will be gone.

Daily we must go before Him, not only to get filled but to give of Him our time, one of our most precious commodities in this day. Let us be like the woman who loved Jesus so much that she was willing "to waste" her costly jar of alabaster oil upon Him who gave her much. Should we not do the same for our Beloved?

Please, prayerfully consider what is written here by Kim. Enjoy and God bless!

Dear Friends & Warriors,

This morning I went to pray, as I do every day, and afterwards I made myself a cup of tea and retreated to my studio to read and meditate His Word. The time with God was wonderful, however, as it goes sometimes, things were not as smooth as I would have liked. When God speaks to you, He always says something that you think you understand, but about ten seconds afterwards, you realize something's not fitting into your foursquare mindset. Today I wrote in my journal what He said. Enjoy the moment:

"The value of consistent prayer is not that He will hear us, but that we will hear Him."
William McGill

"Lord, I come to you with my arms open wide - not asking - but in surrender and to give you what you deserve - my praise; for it's in the Secret Place that I see His face and hear His voice."
Song of Solomon 2:4

If you haven't found your "Secret Place" then find it as soon as you can. It's the place that is most precious to you, surrendered to God - it's called TIME. Heaven waits as man surrenders TIME - to God. Time is one of our most treasured possessions. We can spend time or waste it; Give time or steal it (from others); Use time or abuse it; Enjoy time or hate it; Save time or waste it. Giving God time is the most precious thing to Him and is in fact the Secret Place, because time with God takes you away from every other "place" and positions you next to Him. Remember all that really belongs to us is time; even he who has nothing else, has that.

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