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Day 23 - Pray the Vote - Prayer & Fasting
October 17, 2008 09:15AM
For Candidates Who Will Be Uncompromisingly Honest and Faithful as They Serve

I know, my God, that You test the heart and are pleased with integrity. All these things have I given willingly and with honest intent.--I Chronicles 29:17

O Father God, in You is all truth and integrity. You are glorious and righteous and You do not deceive or hide from us. We thank You that we can fully trust in You.

We pray today for You to move across our nation with a longing for integrity and righteousness among our people. We especially pray that those who run for office and those who are elected to office this year will be persons of integrity. Cause their hearts to move willingly with honest intent, Father, that integrity will characterize these elections and the administrations that result from them. Thank You, Lord. In Your holy name, amen.


Amen and amen, let those elected to office be men and women of integrity. Holy One, I am reminded that when this nation was first founded not all leaders were Christians yet they recognized the integrity and honor that was found in Your Word and thus were more than willing to establish this country's foundation upon Your Word. No matter what faith or denomination is elected into office we ask that You grant them wisdom and understanding to know the value of Your Word and the ingegrity, wisdom and freedom that is found there. We ask this in Jesus' name. Amen.
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