Anonymous User
Our Hope is in You, Lord
May 21, 2011 09:29AM
Lord, the world is in such a state of fear, hopelessness and confusion. It is obvious that the enemy has done his job well. But we who are followers of Christ should never be overcome by these things. We must allow fear to get the upper hand for, Holy One, You have not given us a spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). And though a spirit of hopelessness might come our way we are not to entertain it. Our hope is found in You, oh Lord! You are our Rock and our Fortress. There are so many verses in Your Word to remind us of this: Psalms 71:5. 119:114, Proverbs 23:18, 1 Peter 3:5 and the list goes on.

Heavenly Father, You are not the author of confusion (1 Corinthians 14:33) but of peace. We come to You during this time of such disruption in the world and place our faith and trust in You for who is like the Lord? There is no one. Blessed it be Your Holy Name!

Help us, Lord, to keep our eyes upon You. Let them not be swayed from the left or to the right but upon You only. Let our ears hear Your voice and not the voices who walk not by the spirit of God but by the flesh of their needs and their fears. Let our eyes behold You in Your Word and in our lives. Let us look to You to guide us, to give us spiritual manna that we might be strong in Christ.

Oh Lord, our hope is in You. What better place is there?

Bless You, Mighty One, for You are worthy of all praise and honor.

Thank You for loving us so. Thank You for being faithful. Thank You for the redemptive cross of Christ Jesus and the resurrected life we have found through Him. Glory! How in awe of You we are. Thank You!
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