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Monday's Mountain - Family + Prayers for Those in Ministry
October 15, 2018 04:45PM
Seven Mountains of Prayer


"But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15b NIV

- help our families be ones who love and serve You with all our hearts, bodies, souls and strength.

- that our families and ourselves be covered in the blood of the Lamb, in Jesus' name, for wholeness in spirit, body and soul.

- that there be unity in our households.

- that there be no generational gaps between parents and their children.

- that children respect their parents and that parents don't provoke their children to anger, but rather, that they bring them up in the
training and instruction of the Lord.

- that we recognize the congregational members in our church are our spiritual family and treat them as such.

- that we take care of the widows and orphans in our families.

- that we be tolerant, compassionate and forgiving with one another.

- that we bring glory and honor to our King.

- that wives submit to their husbands as to the Lord.

- that husbands love their wives, just as Christ loved the Church and gave Himself up for her.

- for honesty and integrity in our relationships.

- that we honor the covenants and vows spoken to our mates, and respect the responsibility of raising our children honorable, with wisdom
compassion and understanding, just as You raise us up, Father God.

- that the lines of communication be open between one another.

- that pride be bond in Jesus' Name and that we put the welfare of a family member, whether natural or spiritual, above our own need
or want, within godly limits.

- that we enjoy and celebrate our union with each other, spouse with spouse, parents with children, brother with brother, etc., giving thanks
to God for them all.


Monday - Favor with man

Dear Saints, this list is just a guideline. Please add your prayers as the Holy Spirit leads you. Let us be the House of Prayer Jesus called us to be! God bless.
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