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Seven Prayers Before Mid Term Elections - Day 5

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Seven Prayers Before Mid Term Elections - Day 5
November 03, 2018 09:33PM
Seven Prayers Before Mid Term Elections - Day 5

Father, my heart is heavy because of the racism and hate that has touched this nation.I know You created us all and You created us to know You. In knowing You, praise, worship, thanksgiving and so much more fills our heart.I grew up in an atmosphere of love and respect for you and for one another. We knew and loved our neighbors. For the most part, people tried to do what was right by You. But then things began to change. In my innocence and seclusion I didn't know about segregation taking place in our country. The Klu Klux Klan was part of a history lesson as was the II World War, Nazi's, Jews being sent to Concentration camps and being gassed in gas chambers. Evil, Lord. That is what I knew it as, evil, darkness, void of love and God. It made me sad to think that people could actually hate that much and disregard human life that was created in the image of God, no matter what color, creed or nationality they were. Were there really such monsters who could take human life with no regard for their value, their humanity? I am much older now and these things still make me sad, break my heart but now it isn't something in the past this evil prejudice still exists today, rearing its ugly head in so many ways. I've never seen so much hate and division in our nation as I do now. I have seen good people turn on others with such anger and venom, it is mind boggling.Hmm, venom. Makes me think of a snake's venom. It was a serpentĀ  in the garden of Eden that caused all that trouble in the beginning. Evil personified. The enemy has been seeking to steal, kill and destroy mankind from the get go. Father, because we have become lax in putting You first as was once done in this nation, the ugly serpent has reared his ugly head and desensitized the hearts of men and women in this nation, thus having an affect on the children as well. Holy One, we don't know how it got so bad but it surely is no. We cannot blame one man for all of this evil that is taking place. It has been gradually growing in this nation for decades, slowly slithering into our daily lives without us being aware of it. Now it has hit a crescendo and it is so in our face. Abba God, we are all equal in Your sight. Please forgive us for forgetting this and, in large part, for forgetting You and Your heart for all mankind. Have mercy on us. Bring healing and truth to the hearts who are in great need of it. Deliver them from the hand of the enemy and open their eyes to see they are no better than anyone else and to think so is because their hearts have been hardened. Jesus, sweet Jesus, intercede on their behalf, on all of our behalf. So many of Your people desire for this nation to be one that acknowledges You, welcomes the Holy Spirit and desires to do the will of our Heavenly Father. Please restore us back to You, Father. Soften our hearts, dear God, and send forth Your ministering and warring angels to heal the people and bind the enemy in this land, in Jesus' Name we pray. Amen.
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