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An Encounter at an Open Heaven Conference
March 21, 2008 09:27AM
While waiting for my husband's doctor appointment on Wednesday of this week I began to open the Bible I had brought with us. Normally a wait to see a doctor is long so I came prepared this time placing my Bible into a Bible case for it and other things that I had not used in some time. As I opened it I caught sight of a folded paper that had been in the cover pocket so decided to read it first.

I was surprised to see that it was written at an Open Heaven Conference back in October 9, 2004. As I began to read I have to be honest and say I don't remember writing it! But as the reading continued I knew that it was no accident that it was found for it was pertinent to the times we are in and was not just for me but for all of the church body and it was a confirmation to many of the things the Holy Spirit had been showing me just the night before and that very morning. I place it here with the prayer that it will speak to you as deeply as it did me and that together we will walk in love for one another that the world would know that we are His:

October 9, 2004

When I heard Shawn (Bolz) say there was a door I saw it in my spiritual vision and I heard the Lord say, "You've been here before," and my remembrance was brought back to when I had what many called a "near death experience." That was thirty years ago at the birth of our second daughter. At the time I knew I was in the Lord's presence as the experience was unforgettable. The Lord also revealed that back then I had walked in an innocence before Him, striving to do what was right in His eyes. Then I got caught up in religion and He said that even all of that was necessary so that I could be at the place I am today. It was my hunger for Him and for Truth that sent me on my journey. All those years were not wasted for I learned much along the way and it has built a compassion in me for others which He has desired for me to have.

After He told me this, He heard my silent question, "Lord, what is it You would have me do?" And I heard Him respond, "Remember when I told you to love My people [several years prior to this]? I have called you to be a mother to them." As soon as those words were spoken my mind went back to what had happened a few minutes ago. Just before Shawn called us forward I felt a sensation in my breasts and I thought, "Lord, isn't that supposed to be in my abdomen, when You're implanting something in us [in the core of our being]?" Now I understood! The Lord had called me to be a nurturer of His people, loving them with His love. Hallelujah!

After returning to our seats, the Lord revealed more. He showed me a flash back to a vision He had given me of my Mom. She was skipping in a field with Jesus. It brought me peace knowing that my Mom was that close to the Lord. But I can also remember feeling obligated to encourage her to pray more, memorize Scripture, etc. Today I was convicted how I had judged her walk with the Lord thinking she was missing the mark, for the Lord had just revealed that it was her child like faith in Him that delights Him. Forgive me Lord.

The Holy Spirit also brought my memory back to that first major encounter with the Lord thirty years ago and how it was symbolic of the Lord's church. Right after that experience, my hunger for the Lord grew and I went on an even deeper search for Him. but along the way the enemy snuck in with religion and started to change that innocent walk with Jesus into one filled with knowledge and price, one where I judged others by what they knew rather than who they were in Christ. And this is exactly what has happened to the church, where the tree of knowledge became our God rather than the tree of Life. Please forgive us Lord. Thank You for bringing us back to You!

Dear brothers and sisters, we are all called to walk in the love of God. This love is to be given not only to one another but to the lost as well. As we humble ourselves before Him this resurrection Sunday, let us remember that it was Love that drove Jesus to the cross and Love that sustained Him. God's love for us goes beyond our comprehension yet it is available to us through His Spirit that lives and dwells within us. I pray we get over our foolish pride and rather walk in a humbleness for the undeserved mercy, grace and abundant love that was shown to us through our Lord, Christ Jesus whom our heavenly Father sent. And may we all strive to encounter Him daily for the glory of Him Who sent Him. Glory to God!

God bless you all,
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