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The Time of Temptation: Overcome By The Word of God
March 08, 2009 11:03PM
The Time of Temptation: Overcome By The Word of God

Luke 4:1-9 [read the Scripture, please]

Jesus was sent into the wilderness by the Holy Spirit, for it was a time and a place to overcome the devil; not in his own power and might [and I use a little h in his because He wants us to know that he was also the son of man to show us God's way], but submitted unto God, and abiding in, walking in and living in the written and rhema Word of God which is the way, the truth and life. HE was the Son of God showing us [revealing to us] how to overcome the devil and the world by being in Him and knowing God's Word and using it. This way of living is for everyone of us who are born again believers in Jesus Christ.

The Holy Spirit also sends us out into the wilderness to be tested; but the temptation comes from the devil.

Wherever we may be at, we are in God's school - to be tested so that we see what is truly inside of us. Whatever anyone else may be going through and being tested in, we are also being tested to see what we will do &/or say when we meet with them and hear them. Will it be God's Word? or, will it be criticisms? What will we do and say?

Jesus spoke the Word of God [by the authority that God gave to Him because of His submission to His Father] during that time of temptation. Scripture says: Submit yourselves unto God; resist the devil, and he will flee. By being submitted unto God, you are submitting yourself unto the King and His Kingdom, which is God's laws - rules - commandments, and the devil will have no authority over you, he will only try to scare you into submitting unto him by his lies.

During this time in the wilderness, we will either speak the Word of God, or, we will speak [agree with] the negative. By whose kingdom will we be submitted to? Is it the greater: God's Kingdom? Or is it the lesser: the devil's dark kingdom?

God's Kingdom has a place within us as believers, but, when we submit ourselves to another kingdom, then we have given place to that kingdom and we lose our rule/reign......our focus has went somewhere else.

Jesus gave no place to the devil, and we must choose to do so. That is where the battle is: in our minds. From the mind do we choose. And from the heart are our hearts affected by our thoughts. We must choose this day whom we shall serve, for out of the heart the mouth speaks. Dwell upon God's Word.

(There is so much to be said about the Kingdom, but, may God give you insight as you read and learn from Him; see what He has for you; listen to His voice as He teaches you, and receive.)

Are you dried up in the wilderness? Then return unto the Beginning by being filled with the Holy Spirit. Pray. Pray in the Spirit. Spend time in God's Presence. You cannot go all dried up, there is no life there. The Holy Spirit is rivers of living water within a believer, and He won't flow unless we give Him place.

What are you allowing within you?

Being dried up is one who has been filled with doubt and unbelief; one who has been abiding in "some thing" else other than God.

God is with us and in us! And with God in us, His Kingdom is in us! And with God nothing shall be impossible!

Jesus Christ is to rule and to reign! His Kingdom comes when we call upon Him who is the Word of God! HE manifests Himself from within us and through us to conquer our enemies and to overcome the world and the devil himself!

Don't be shook up by the devil; he has to be submitted unto the Kingdom of God from which Christ reigns! And greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world! The devil is in this world, but God and His Kingdom is GREATER! And God is in us who is the Hope of Glory!

Don't turn to food or things or people to fill you! Be filled with the Spirit. Don't let your soul be deceived nor corrupted by allowing the lies of the devil to get to you! Be filled with God's Word. The devil is a liar, and he uses negative thoughts to get you down! The mind is the battlefield which affects our hearts and our souls!

I heard this from a pastor this morning: 'what controls your mind has the power to dictate the affairs and outcome of your life.'

Stop dwelling on the negative! Use the Word of God for it is the sword of the Spirit, and the Kingdom of God which is within you will rise up for that hour!

Luke 4:3, the devil attacks us with: 'you aren't a son of God; you can't do anything; you have no worth!' Etc.

We must remind ourselves that we are the children of God, and henceforth heirs of God and joint-heirs of Christ Jesus! And yes, we can't do anything in and of our selves, but we can do all things through Christ which strengthens us! We are relying upon Christ! We do what we see our Father doing, and we speak what we hear our Father speaking! We have worth because God made us in His image, and God sent His Son to die on the cross for our sins and He has redeemed us so that we no longer belong to satan! Speak forth what God's Word says!

Use the Word of God and take your stand!

Feed upon the Word of God by reading your Bible. Pray daily.

Luke 4:5-7 speaks of the devil wanting to be worshipped, but what I see in vs. 5 for some Christians is that the devil can 'use' those kingdoms - those principalities and powers, those rulers in dark places, wickedness on high - to rise up against us because he has his legion of hell raisers to strike out against us to bring us down and to destroy. It is the kingdom of darkness rising up against the Kingdom of Light! But what will we choose? Will we choose our weapons rightly? Will we judge rightly? We must know God and His Word! It's time to make the right choices NOW! Don't choose the darkness! If you do, then you give it power over you! Choose Light and Life which is in Christ Jesus who is the Word of God! HE has made a way out for you: HIMSELF!

One can feel as if all hell has broken out against them...........AND IT HAS! We just have not understood it because there has not been much teaching about it, nor the revelation, but God has made way today!

The devil wants you to feel defeated, because he wants to destroy you! We are to walk by faith, and not by sight! The sight is what we see in our circumstances, of the negative things we see in our minds - of how we 'see' ourselves. Our feelings comes in alignment with the negative thoughts, and so we begin to feel how we think and see; then our hearts become affected and infected! We get destroyed by dwelling upon and believing the lies of the devil! To overcome this we must abide in the Word of God and change our thinking! Be transformed by the renewing of our mind! We are to go back to vs. 4........USE THE WORD OF GOD!

The devil also uses the lust of things which are in this world {vs. 5-7). If we are in the lust of things, the devil has place and authority over us in a particular area, which is giving room to the devil. Jesus did not give any room to the devil! If we do, we must repent and turn back to the Lord! HE is our King! And He will give unto us that which we have need of.

The lust of things: what do we worship? sports? foods? drugs? alcohol? self? mind? knowledge? titles? religious service? What we worship we will serve; it will be our master.

Vs. 9 - the temple; the pinnacle of the temple.

The pinnacle of the temple is a "high place". What do you place 'before' God?

We are told to seek the Kingdom of God first, and His righteousness. We are to love the Lord our God with all our heart, with all our soul, with all our strength, with all our mind.

We are the temple of God, and the Spirit of God dwells within us. Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit. God is in us! We are to be holy, for God is Holy. Remove all the debris from within that is keeping the Rivers from flowing. Repent. Let God cleanse you. And get into the Word! Let the Word remain in you!

What are we exalting? our self? our denomination? our pastor? our (or someone else's) ministry? our knowledge? our experience?

Or is it truly Jesus, the Son of the Living God?

Our praise and worship will show the truth, for God knows our hearts, whether we give lip service, or truly give our all from the heart and spirit. God will truly bless you in His Presence.

Christ is our Head.

Don't throw yourself down from that position which is in Him. Don't abide in the words of the devil any longer, cast down those lies - those vain imaginations - that exalt itself against the knowledge of God, and LIVE! For there is Life in Christ! Choose Life this day, and you shall truly live!

This is the time to learn and do. Don't worry about that wilderness experience; trust God, and He will bring you through.

The devil will return at another opportune time, but don't fret, for greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world! You overcame this time, and you will do it again, and again, as you abide in Christ, your Hope in Glory! And you will overcome; for from glory to glory will you arise for Christ is in you.

God bless you!

ilene aka Joshobel {God is to flow)
Anonymous User
Re: The Time of Temptation: Overcome By The Word of God
March 09, 2009 05:51PM
Amen and amen!!!

Wonderful word from the very throneroom of God! God is looking for kingdom minded people in this hour, those who walk not according to the flesh but by the leading of the Holy Spirit. We are spirit beings in mortal bodies and we must choose who we will serve, the prince of this world or the Lord of all heaven and earth! Gross darkness is touching the earth more and more. It is time to allow His Light within us to shine and to direct the lost and hurting to Him Who is The Way, The Truth and The Life. Jesus has set a format in which we are to walk. As we keep our eyes focused on Him the cares of this world will fade for we know there is an eternal life that awaits us in Him, better than the land of milk and honey that was promised to Abraham and the Israelites. It is where we will abide with Him forever, joined with other saints and where there will be no tears or sadness. Praise be to God! To dwell with our Beloved is the greatest thing of all!

Sis, thanks for sharing. This word is a blessing and an inspiration. May many hearts be opened to receive it and to live it for the glory of our God, in Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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