Anonymous User
Does God Esteem Men Higher Than Women? (Continued)
July 27, 2007 01:28PM
July 27, 2007

Blessings all,

Oh, dear ones, I believe we are coming to "the fullness of time", a time of which all things must become complete in Him. Since receiving this revelation posted under, “Does God Esteem Men Higher Then Women,“ the Holy Spirit has been showing me more in regards to women. I have wondered why it has taken so long for women to be recognized in her rightful place in God's creation along side man. We have seen where women have been seen as the weaker sex from as far back as anyone can remember. This still goes on in many parts of the world. Girl babies are still killed in some places because they are not valued as highly as the boy babies.

I am marveling at how the Holy Spirit is reveling things in this hour, tying together Scripture from the beginning of time to the end of time onward to eternity. Glory to God! In the beginning, when God created the heavens and the earth He placed man, Adam upon the earth to “keep” the earth. He saw it was not good for man to be alone. Did God have a point of reference to which He made this conclusion? Though God created the animals, birds and fish, trees and plants of varying types, it still did not fill the void that was needed for Adam. So from Adam’s rib, one side of his body, God brought forth woman to “complete” Adam, so to speak. The two became one in their union, just as we are to be one with Christ as He is with the Father. Hallelujah! Just as God saw the need for Adam to have a companion, God has also seen the need for His Son to have a companion as well. Could one have come before the other? Has our mindset hindered what God has desired to reveal to us from the beginning? Could pride have prevented man from seeing that which was right before his eyes, duped by the enemy and not seeing that with God there is no favoritism. All are equal in His sight. Could it be that which happens in the natural, God creating man and then woman, not be symbolic of what God desires to do in the spiritual realm. Could the desire for His Son to have a Bride have been in God’s fore knowledge and from the beginning of time this has been God’s goal and desire to accomplish first in the natural, then in the spirit?

We know from Scripture that the enemy came after the male child during Moses birth time, afraid that Moses would be God’s anointed one to deliver His people. Many male children were murdered during this time. We see this again during Jesus time, when Herod requested that all male children under the age of two be killed, fearing that this child would grow to be King! While we do not read of the slaughter of the female babies in Scripture, we do read of the high esteem God has for women as well as men. The Bible is clear on the role many women played in Scripture even in saving God’s people! Look at Miriam, Deborah, Ruth and especially Esther in the Word of God. What important roles they had towards God’s purposes come to pass. And there are many more in the New Testament where it is vividly seen how much Jesus esteemed the women in His life. What is clear in the Scripture was man’s lesser view of the female. We must remember, just because it is in Scripture, it does not necessarily mean God approves of it. “All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work." (2 Timothy 3:16-17) When David desired Bathsheba and did what he did in order to have her, it was not God’s will. But it is placed in Scripture so that we might learn from it and try to avoid that type of behavior in our own lives. God did not esteem women as lower then men but we see in the Bible where men did. We must look at God’s thoughts on things, not what man’s views are, even if they are in Scripture. If we read Scripture in this light, then we will see where God’s Word is ‘profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man (anthropos - human being) of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work.’ Could it be that we have taken some parts of Scripture which were intended to be for reproof and correction and made it into doctrine?

While the Bible does not have any derogatory statements about women in general, we know that man has held a superior attitude over women. How many female babies have been killed because they were seen as being less valuable than the male babies? It is not just the male children that have been unjustly killed, but so have the female children as well. Now we are seeing in our own time frame where both male and female lives are devalued, millions of them being denied life on earth through abortions. Is that God’s will? Most certainly not. Life is precious to God and it should be to us as well! Now that we are in the last days the enemy is getting fearful. He does not want God’s plans and purposes to come to pass. He knows that Jesus is coming for a Bride without spot or blemish. Just as Jesus was the second Adam redeeming that which was lost in the garden, the Bride of Christ will be like the second Eve, coming from the second Adam’s side from where flowed the water of life and the blood of His life, sacrificed as the blood of His new covenant, poured out for many (Mark 14: 24). Jesus went on to say in Mark 14:25, “Verily I say unto you, I shall no more drink of the fruit of the vine, until that day when I drink it new in the kingdom of God.” What was the first miracle Jesus performed? Turning water into wine. What will be the completion of what He set out to do? When He comes to receive His Bride. He will drink of the fruit of the vine once again, at the Marriage Supper. Hallelujah! Like it was in the beginning, so shall it be in the end. Jesus is coming for a Bride who is without spot nor blemish, unlike the first Eve who was deceived. That is why God has been striving to build up the body of Christ, that from this body might come the Bride of Christ. Why is the man called the head of the family and over the woman? So that we might understand in the natural what God is doing in the spirit. Just as Jesus gave His life for the body of Christ, so are we to give our life as a sacrifice to others. It is not for our glory but for His! Man is not to gloat over woman but he is to protect and cherish her as Jesus did the church. All these years our understanding of Scripture has come from a distorted, worldly view. But as time as we know it nears its conclusion more and more will be found with the mind of Christ. We will love our heavenly Father more than ourselves. We will see Jesus as our Head and our protector. Being male or female will not be of importance to us. As we follow His Way, His Truth and His Life, we will long to be His Bride and will be willing to sacrifice the things of this world that we might live by His side forever more. Thank You, Jesus! Hallelujah! Glory to God! What an incredible time to be alive, to know Him, to serve Him. Bless His Holy Name now and forever more!
Anonymous User
Re: Does God Esteem Men Higher Than Women? (Continued)
July 30, 2007 09:19PM
Sinful man wants to rule/dominate.

Women are fallen too, it's not just a man-thing. (I'm just talking this all out as I sit here and read and think about this message you wrote.) smiling smiley

There is a power struggle, a power struggle between men and women, which should not be; we are to be working together....side by side.

I keep getting the scripture in Rev. about the woman who was with child and she had to flee into the wilderness because satan was wroth with her and wanted to kill her.
The man produces the seed, but its the woman who gives birth. The two cannot be without each other. The product is life. The devil is out to destroy life! The devil wants his kingdom rule here on earth since he cannot rule in heaven for that is God's domain! So, since the devil cannot be there in heaven, he will take earth!

But Jesus Christ now sits on the right hand of the Father [for the Father said so], and the Father said that He will make His Son's enemies His footstool here on earth! The devil (and all who follow him) are the Son's enemies! But what we do is pray; we intercede, and love our enemies [the lost souls]. The devil can never be won for he is a lost demonic being who will be cast into the fiery furnace of hell for all eternity! So, he will try to take as many as he can with him! This is a war! And we must continue to pray for the lost, and to pray for the Lord of the harvest to send laborers into His harvest, for the time is ready and at hand.

The love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit. It is the power of God's Spirit that we can love others, and it's His love that will win others to Christ Jesus, for God is Love.

I pray that we will all serve the Living God and worship Him in Spirit and in Truth.

God bless you, Joan, and your family.
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