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Relationship & Love - Happy Valentine's Day!
February 14, 2010 09:42AM
Beloved brothers and sisters in Christ,

During a worship at a conference yesterday I had a vision. In that vision I was in the heavens, clouds all around me. In the midst of the clouds I saw a door. I wondered why it was there. Then I heard in my spirit, "I have unlocked many doors, doors of revelation and strategies. They are available for My people to enter in." After hearing this I saw a multitude of doors around me. The doors were not opened but now I understood all I needed do was to turn the handle and I would have access to that which was behind it. Immediately I grew concerned, thinking that if the doors were opened then all could enter in, even those who were not His. Without having spoken this out loud, the Lord knowing my thoughts spoke to me again. "Do not fear that these things will fall into the wrong hand. Only those who have a close relationship with Me will be able to "read" that which is found behind the doors. Those who have not build a relationship with me with be unable to read it for it will appear as a mystery to them."

Wow! I thought that was very neat and I was so filled in awe of Him and so grateful for His love. Oh, we live in such exciting times and He desires to reveal so much to us that we will be equipped to war the good fight. Then as I continued to praise Him I saw a red heart fall. It looked like one of those cardboard hearts that we see at Valentine's Day. Then another one fell, and another and another until the air below me was covered with a blanket of red hearts falling from heaven down to the earth below. It was such a beautiful sight and as I gazed upon it I was reminded of our Lord's love that was given to cover our sins, His red blood that washed us white as snow. Thank You, Jesus! Then I heard the Lord say, "I am sending My love to the earth in an unpresidented way. Those who choose to receive it will have it. Those who desire more of My love will receive more. Those who are love Me abundantly will receive My love till they are filled to overflowing. It will be there for the taking. Some will choose not to receive My love will not have it forced upon them." As the Lord spoke those last words I could sense the sadness that came with them. He is so full of love and desires that all mankind would receive that which He has for them. It breaks His heart when His love is rejected. Oh, how we need to pray for this wounded hearts to be healed that they might be open to receive His love! There is nothing in this world that brings such comfort and strength then to know that we are loved by the Creator of the Universe and that He is for us and not against us. His love truly is amazing.

Dear Ones, I wanted to share this beautiful vision with you. We are living in a time that it is not enough to know about God and His Son, Jesus Christ. We are living in a hour where we must have a personal relationship with them. We come to know our heavenly Father through His Son. The Holy Spirit is more than ready to reveal Him to us in a new and amazing way. Let us strive to build our relationship with Him Who loves us with an unending love. It is paramount that we do, not only for ourselves but for our children and grandchildren but for the sake of this nation and the nations of the world that God has placed under our stewardship. May we rise up and be all He has called us to be, for His glory and honor, in Jesus' name I pray.

Oh, a couple of minutes after receiving the vision the worship leader starting to sing a revelatory song in which he sang, "Relationship before Revelation" over and over again. Isn't God awesome! Oh, yes He is!!!

Happy Valentine's to each of you. May you spend at least part of it loving on Him who is your Betrothed, the Lord of lords and the King of kings. Glory!!!

In His love,
Joan Bowe
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