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Prophetic Word for 2012
August 31, 2011 08:44PM

Since receiving prophetic words for the new year, this has been the first time that the Lord has revealed it to me so early in the year. I believe there is a reason for it, that the people of God would have this time to build up their faith and to align up with what He desires to do in the days ahead. Glory to God!!!

On years when the numbers in the year has meaning, the Holy Spirit will lead me to check them out. The biblical meaning of the number "12" according to E.W.Bullinger's book, "Number in Scripture", reads as follows:

“TWELVE is a perfect number, signifying perfection of government, or of governmental perfection. It is found in all that has to do with rule.... Twelve is the product if 3 (the perfectly Divine and heavenly number) and 4 (the earlthy, the number of what is material and organic).”

Bullinger goes on to say:

"While seven is composed of 3 added to 4, twelve is 3 multiplied by 4, and hence denotes that which can scarcely be explained in words, but which the spiritual perception can at once appreciate, viz., organization, the products denoting production and multiplication and increase of all that is contained in the two numbers separately...."

Now, I was already excited knowing what God has in store for us in the days ahead. In the past, I have stated how my family's life is prophetic in that our lives are a "type" of what is going to happen in the days ahead for the people of God. Having experienced some of what is going to be open to those who lean on Him and trust Him, a joy and expectation was already in my heart for the body of Christ. Searching out the meaning of the numbers only brought a confirmation to that! Glory! Our Lord and God is incredible!!!

Let us take a look at the numbers “3” and “4” to see what their meaning is, keeping in mind that we are entering a time of their “multiplication”. “production” and “increase”!

Bullinger writes in his book regarding numbers in Scripture:

“three [3] signifies Divine perfection, with special references to the Trinity; The Father, one in sovereignty; the Son, the second person, in Incarnation and salvation, delivering from every enemy; the Holy Spirit, the third person, realizing in us and to us Divine things.

Now the number four is made up of three and one…..and marks that which follows the revelation of God in the Trinity, namely His creative works.”

Bullinger goes on to list the various things of God’s creation that is grouped by four, such as the elements (earth, air, fire and water); the regions of the earth (north, south, east and west); divisions of the day (morning, noon, night and midnight); the seasons (summer, fall, winter spring); and the four variations of the lunar phases ( phase/).

He also writes:

“….and the number four always has reference to all that is created. It is emphatically the number of Creation; of man in his relations to the world as created…”

We are entering such an exciting time, when the people of God walk in the provisions and power of God given to us through Christ Jesus so that we might manifest God’s kingdom here on earth as it is in heaven. We are being given an opportunity to pull down God’s creative power not for our sakes but for His name’s sake. God is the Creator of heaven and earth. All things were created by Him. Yet He has given man dominion over the earth. It is His government that He wants set upon the earth and He has delegated that responsibility to us, through His Son, to establish it here for His glory.

These past several years we have become more and more aware of what His kingdom government is. We have recognized that we are aliens in this place (on earth) and are to be living under God’s truth and government. In heaven there is no lack, no sickness, no sorrow, etc., etc. While these things might manifest here on earth, we are to live with an awareness that those things are temporary and that God will see us through them, bringing us to victory on the other side. And we are to call those which are not as though they are. We are to speak life to dry bones. We are to be a prophetic people, hearing the voice of God and walking forth with His direction and leading.

Those who are young in the Lord but who have a hunger to do His will and to know Him better will be amazed at the growth that takes place within them as He takes them from glory to glory. We are in an accelerated time on earth and things are moving faster, even our maturity in Him if we are not shaken by the circumstances that are taking place upon the earth but rather are holding fast in Him.

But just as God moves mightily through His people in the days ahead, so will the enemy bring great confusion and fear to the earth. If we are firmly planted in our Lord and guided by the Holy Spirit, He will be able to use us to be the light in these places of darkness. This is a time of great harvest!

I believe the Lord wants me to get this word out there now instead of the beginning of 2012 is because He is declaring a warning and a word of expectation.

The warning is that things of epic proportions are about to take place, both from God and from the enemy. We must be confident in our heavenly Father’s love towards us and know that no matter what happens on earth that He is good and in Him is no darkness nor shadow of turning. Though we might go through trials and tribulations, He is faithful to be with us and see us through. And when we reach the other side we will have a testimony of His goodness to share with other. If we allow our flesh to lead, the enemy will have a good foothold in our lives. And we do not want this to happen! If we feel ourselves being pulled in my his lies, we must seek fellowship with those who are strong in the Lord. Its not time for a one man show. Satan’s tactics is to get people alone, speak lies and fears into their lives and divert their eyes off of the Lord. Don’t get caught in his snare!!!

It would be a good idea to do a study on the disciples lives and how they dealt with adversity. Getting whipped, thrown in jail, boiled in water, etc., are some pretty intense circumstances, yet they were faithful to the Lord and praised Him with their mouth and their lives.

Now I don’t think anyone of us is going to be boiled in water but I sense there is going to be more natural catastrophes and man-made ones. We must remind ourselves that we are the children of the Most High God, that He is our Rock ad our Fortress. We are not to move by sight but by faith in Christ Jesus and all that He accomplished upon the cross, believing that we are the head and not the tail, that we are overcomers and not the defeated, that God is for us and not against us and on and on His precious promises go.

Prayer is paramount in this hour. This past weekend the east coast got hit by Hurricane Irene. It was interesting to note that Irene means “peace”. The Lord is telling us to have peace in the midst of the storm. No matter what comes our way, we must find peace in Him.

We were so blessed to not receive the intensity of the storm that was first predicted. There is no doubt in my mind that the countless prayers that were lifted up to our God, asking for His protection, mercy and grace to be with us were heard by Him and He answered them. Things could have been so much worse. That it wasn’t doesn’t have to do with luck but with a loving God who heard the cries of the people. Thank You, Lord!!!

We must continue to pray for His protection, for discernment, for wisdom and so much more. If we have not repented for something we have done in our lives or as a nation at large, now is the time to do so.

It is time to let His light shine in and through us. We must make our lips speak His Truth rather than voicing negative words. We must draw so much closer to Him. Humility will be seen in those who have submitted their lives to His will and it is through the humble that His kingdom will come on earth

There will also become a definite distinction between God’s people and the people of the world within the church. As God begins to flow through those who have submitted to Him and begin to manifest Christ in us, the hope of glory, and His anointing is seen, many who are Christians in name only will pull back from them, calling them all kinds of names. It is not a time to retaliate but rather to pray for their souls.

In the past several months I have seen where God has supplied needs that my family and I had. For some, extra work was offered so that they could go on a trip to see their aging grandparents. In another case, what the enemy meant for harm through a car accident God turned into good, enabling them to get some work done on the car.. Their vehicle ended up better after repairs than it was before the accident. For another, unexpected money came in. In another case, favor was granted to them sparing them what could have been a very difficult situation.

God is desiring us to walk in His power so that signs, miracles and wonders will take place upon the earth and not just through the big names in faith today but through each of us who calls themselves His through Christ. He has everything ready. All is in place. Now it is up to us whether we believe for it and reach out to it.

This past year or longer, I keep hearing in my spirit, “If you do not believe Me because of the things that I say, then believe Me for the things that I do.” Jesus walked in power and I believe our heavenly Father has been preparing us for such a time as this, when we would walk with the same kind of power our Lord Jesus had and that we would do the things that He did and greater - to the glory of our God and Father.

The Holy Spirit is on alert, waiting for us to call out to Him for help and direction. Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, may this new year find us not just hearers of His Word but as Doers as well! The closer we get to the Lord the more complete we feel. Let us grow up and become like-minded with our Lord, doing that which we see our Lord doing. The whole earth is waiting…
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