Anonymous User
Seeing Beyond the Curtain or Veil
September 20, 2007 05:20PM
Today my daughter, Deb, came over to our home for prayer. After she prayed I was given a vision as the Lord spoke to me. I saw a curtain or veil in front of me, kind of like the ones on a tv program where the person walks through it, this one you had to break through it. What the Lord spoke to me is that there is breakthrough available to us. But God is waiting for us to walk through. He cannot do it for us. He said we had to envision Him on the other side of the curtain or veil, not allowing anything to keep us from going through what ever obstacle might be in our way. He assured me that He has provided all we need to be 'overcomers' but we must make the steps necessary to overcome. If we keep our eyes on Him, knowing He is waiting just beyond the curtain nothing can stop us from going through. He has everything we need in this hour. We are to believe that He does, keeping our eyes focused on Him and not the situation or obstacles that might be before us. We must see Him 'beyond the veil' for He is, indeed there. Hallelujah!

I knew in my spirit that the Lord was saying this applies to any situation in our lives that the enemy might try to use to take out attention off of Him. There is nothing that the Lord will not see us through if we believe in Him. That does not mean that we will not have challenge in our lives, or even hardships. What it does mean is that when we keep the Lord in our focus we will make it through to the other side, strong in Him. Praise be to God. No matter what you are facing in this hour, keep your eyes on the Lord. Even if you do not see Him, envision Him in your spirit. Speak that which is not - yet. You have the victory in Christ Jesus. Declare it! Believe it! Walk in it! Do it! Truly, He waits for us to come through for break through is just in front of us. Glory to God!

After I sensed the Lord was finished, I opened my eyes. My daughter asked if I was ok. Before I had a chance to answer she said, "I am hearing 'break through'." Halleujah! Isn't that just like the Lord to bring confirmation like that! Break through awaits you, too. Believe it and walk through.

God bless!
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