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Prophetic Word for 2020

Posted by Anonymous User 
Anonymous User
Prophetic Word for 2020
February 15, 2020 07:29PM
Prophetic Word for this year, having begun in 2019 through 2020 and beyond!

For many, the year 2019 was a challenging year in many aspects of their lives. Mine was no different. While the Lord had given me a partial word for the year, I never completed it. To be honest, I've never felt so spiritually and emotionally weak as I did last year. It is difficult to explain as God's presence and workings were still there but something was different. In the midst of all of it, there was an awareness of my shortcomings, correction on some of the things I had accepted as truth but wasn't necessarily so. A lot of things were being shaken. This is all shared because I believe God wants us to be transparent with one another and that, at times, our very lives can be prophetic for others, offering hope in Him who is worthy of our love and obedience.

So, to begin, below you will find that which was given to me the later part of 2018 into 2019 in italics and then will build from there:


As I sought the Lord for things He wanted shared for this new year, I was surprised to hear "new beginnings." Since the Holy Spirit will often show me things through numbers, I knew it was the number "8" that mean "new beginnings" so I was a little confused why that would be said for a year that didn't have that number in it! I try to stay away from reading other prophetic words for the new year until I have typed and posted what is given to me first so that I do not mix what others are hearing for the year with what He is speaking to me. But in the past few days I have seen on Face book a post that had "New Beginnings 2019" and then a video in which the speaker mentioned 2019 and that it was going to be a year of "new beginnings." Wow! Confirmation!

Was talking about that to the Lord this morning, asking what He meant by this "new beginnings" and I came to understand that this year will be one unlike other years. Those things in which we had learned to "hear" His voice or understood His speaking to us, whether by numbers, colors, etc., would not be the only way in which He would speak to us and that if we did not build a close relationship with Him, we might miss what He was saying to us in this hour! He was calling us on a closer and deeper understanding with and of Him. We were to know and expect more of what we had known before.

I also heard in my spirit that 2019 was going to year of clashing, a clashing of those with Christ against those without Christ. And we know who wins! We must remember that and not fall into despair. We read in 1 John 4:4 that "...greater is He that is in you than he who is in the world." Through Christ Jesus we will be able to discern who is of God and who isn't and through Him we overcome the enemy's plans. Hallelujah!!! It will be very important to test the spirits in this year and make sure we are on the right team. Reading and knowing Scripture is going to be fundamental in this hour and even more important will be knowing Him who is the Living Word of God!!!

The joy of the Lord is my strength - we must have faith in Jesus, the Living Word. If we loose our joy because of trials, etc., then the enemy will have room to discourage us and lessen our strength

Traditional churches being called out to be conformed to the Acts church - need to study the church in Acts who flowed with the gifts given by the Holy Spirit, spoke in tongues and walked in abundant love towards one another, seeking God's will over their own!

Not by sight, not by might but by My Spirit, saith the Lord! - Don't trust your strength or walk by what you see but seek God's Spirit to lead!


Prophetic Word for 2020

Personal Prophecies That Seemed Delayed Now Beginning to Be Fulfilled
It is a time to bring out the words the Lord has spoken to you up to even as far back as twenty years ago or so. Read with excitement those things you might have written down. Some He might have just spoken to your heart, some having been so long ago they are almost forgotten. Ask the Holy Spirit to bring them to your remembrance. Though they might have seemed delayed, It was brought to my attention via series of events that we are entering a time of full circle, if you will, where things had been planted in our spirit yet it didn't seem to grow or manifest as we thought it would, even having been forgotten perhaps, but now the Holy Spirit has started to bring it back to us as we continue to hold on to the Lord and seek His will and ways in this hour. Its like dots are being connected and the wonder of God in our lives is unfolding, leaving us in awe and amazement of Him. Those who have not yet built a relationship with our God through His Son, it is not too late to begin now. In the craziness of the days we live in, don't wait any longer! There is so much the Creator of the heavens and the earth desires to share with us!!!

A Greater Understanding of God and Who We are in Christ is Before us Wrapped in Simplicity
God was preparing many for "such as time as this", where we needing to learn, grow and trust in Him through this journey called life, even when things were not going as we had planned, especially when things were not going the way we thought they should! We can see this happening in the Bible with the disciples and those who said they believed in Jesus Christ as the Savior and Redeemer. Many thought that this meant that Jesus was going to deliver the Jewish people from the hands of the Romans. Can you imagine their shock when Jesus was taken prisoner? And, even worse, when He was crucified on the cross. Not exactly what they thought would happen to Him their Messiah! Those who walked with Him, supped with Him and saw Him do miracles were taken back when Jesus did not meet their expectations of who they thought He was. This happens even today when we don't see our prayers answered as we think they should be answered or we go through heartbreaking times that we think as a child of God we should be exempt from.

As mentioned in the start of this, this past year has been a challenging one for many and my family and I were not excluded from this. On January 3, 2019 one of my daughters and her husband was blessed with the arrival of their ninth child. On June 9 of that year, just two days after the tenth anniversary of my husband going to be with the Lord, this precious child went to be with Jesus at only five months old. I will share in another post the things that the Lord showed us through this sweet child. Through this and in continued fellowship with the Lord, it has become clear that there are still many things we do not know about God's Kingdom and His ways. In some ways we have taken some things to extremes and our Heavenly Father wants to bring us back to the simplicity of our walk with Him through Christ Jesus. In some ways we have majored on the minor and minored on what is major with Him such as loving Him with all our heart, soul, mind and strength and loving one another as we are loved by ourselves and by Him. We have forgotten to seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness and rather have sought that others be righteous while we were neglectful of our own weaknesses and flaws. And in our sense of busyness to build His Kingdom as we thought it should be here on earth, we have neglected our First Love. In our quest to be mighty warriors for Him we have neglected those He has placed in our sphere of influence, like our families, our coworkers and such, trampling over their need for love and guidance as we forged ahead with our objective in mind - not necessarily His. If you have felt His hand of correction upon you in these areas and more, be of good cheer! Know He loves you and hasn't abandoned you. He is preparing you for your finest hour in the body of Christ if you heed His corrections and follow after the leading of the Holy Spirit. Praise be unto God!!!

Be Ye Holy for I am Holy
On November 1st of last year, I was thinking about how I'm supposed to work on the prophetic word for 2020 and what I was supposed to put in it - I was given this from the Holy Spirit, "Be Holy for I am Holy." Felt we are headed into a time of reckoning - like Ananias and Sapphira in Acts. Also was thinking the Lord has had His full of the sin on the earth and these words by Popeye came to be, "That's all I can stands cause I can't stands no more!" LOL But this isn't funny. God is serious and we need to be, too. Judgment is coming. We need to set our house in order and get right before Him, striving to be holy as He is Holy for we never know when our time to leave this world will be. This was given to me less then two and a half months ago and since then my sister-in-love and younger cousin have passed on. It is definitely a wake up call personally and to those who have an ear to hear what He is saying in this hour. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge. Let us not take Him for granted nor expect Him to conform into our image of Him but let us submit to His Spirit, be transformed into His image by the renewing of our mind to His ways, putting on the mind of Christ and walking in obedience. Let us not allow sin to have dominion and our lives nor should we think God is ok with it. When we leave this world we might not have reach perfection in being holy but that should be our goal. When our children are babies, we are not expecting them to pick up after themselves or to abide by the rules we set forth them. As they get older, more responsibility and guidelines are given to them and they are expected to follow them. If not, they suffer the consequences of their disobedience. It is all part of growing up and being a family and good, loving parents recognize the importance of being an example and guide for these young lives. How much more our Heavenly Father towards us who are also expected to grow up spiritually as His kids? We must not make excuses for the sin in our lives but let us seek His help to grow up in the ways that are pleasing and right before Him!

We must recognize that as we wake up to the seriousness of this hour we are living in, God will not condone us living in opposition to His Word! Abortion is not of God! Homosexuality is not of God! Same sex marriage is not of God! Honoring other gods and not Him is not pleasing to God! The Ten Commandments still holds true and while Jesus fulfilled all the laws doesn't mean that we should break them! Our children when they are young are covered by our love and even forgiveness. That doesn't mean they don't reap consequences of their actions, does it? If we warn them not to cross the street with our looking both ways and they disregard this instruction and are hit by a car, doesn't the pain of their disregard still remain felt by them though we love them? God is a good, good Father and He sets His laws and ways before us because He knows what is best for us. Though accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior saves us from the spiritual repercussions of our sins we still deal with the natural consequences now! If we grow spiritually as is now made available to do through His Son, then sin will no longer have a hold on us. It is at this place of growing we can aspire to be holy as He is Holy, equipped by His Spirit for that transformation to take place. Bless His Holy Name!!!

Numbers "50" and "10"
The Lord has been impressing upon me certain numbers. In June of 2019 was ten years that my husband went to be with the Lord. On November of the same year made 50 years from our wedding. Just two months from them, the Kansas City Chiefs played in the Super Bowl after its last time there - 50 years ago! It was the first Super Bowl I even watched and only did then because my newly wed husband happened to be from Missouri and the Chiefs were his home team! Amazing at the connections the Lord was making!!!

According to E.W.Bullinger's book, "Number in Scripture", we read that "Fifty (50) is the number of jubilee or deliverance. It is the issue of 7X7, and points to deliverance and rest following on as the result of the perfect consummation of time.

The number Ten (10), listed by Bullinger as meaning, "...ten is one of the perfect numbers, and signifies the perfection of Divine order, commencing, as it does, an altogether new series of numbers. The first decade is the representative of the whole numeral system, and originates the system of calculation called "decimals," because the whole system of numeration consists of so many tens, of which the first is a type of the whole.
Completeness of order, marking the entire round of anything is, therefore, the ever-present signification of the number ten. It implies noting is wanting; that the number and order are perfect; that the whole cycle is complete."

To simplify it, I believe we have entered a great time of joy and jubilee with the Lord manifesting upon the earth. a time that will not last for one year but many years, perhaps ten or even more. As we continue to draw near to Him, letting go of some of our preconceived notions, beliefs and allow the Holy Spirit to simplify our faith by taking God's Word at face value we will understand no matter what we go through, if we trust in Him, He will work it out for good. We might not fully understand what that means right away but we will know that we know that He is good and He is working all things for our good and in this place we will have peace and our faith will grow. This is not to say that the days ahead will be without trial or opposition. As a matter of fact, in some areas it might be even more difficult then before in circumstances but not in faith in Him as we trust His ways are higher then our ways. Opposition is opportunity for growth and greater faith as we rely on Him. We must have our vision on God's Kingdom being established in us and upon the earth. If we only look for things to be easier in our lives then we will be sadly disappointed because God didn't promise us a life without trials. Just look at the disciples lives. They suffered throughout while being very blessed in the midst, seeing God's hand move on their behalf in what appeared to be impossible situations. If we are only looking to see our lives blessed here on earth then we must recognize that we are not Kingdom builders but earth dwellers and this earth is not our home! As we trust God in times of battle, I believe we are going to see Him move like never before. We will come to understand what it means to rest in the Lord as we walk in faith and not despair. To seek His Kingdom ways to be established upon the earth will be the hearts cry of those who love Him and they will yearn for it more then comfort or blessing. There's a roar taking place over the land for this nation to be His and there are those who are firmly grounding their spiritual feet in place for that to be so, in Jesus' Mighty Name!!!

We do not want to be found on the opposite side of God’s will. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He changes not. Be forewarned, He will not be mocked! Those opposing Him will be found like Haman in the book of Esther. Those with evil plans against God’s people will taste the boomerang effect. The wrong set up for God’s people will befall those setting the traps!

On an encouraging note, as the Holy Spirit was giving me all this, I did not know a prophetic word given to Bob Jones in 2003, I think. It said when the Kansas City Chiefs won’t be Super Bowl it would [www.facebook.com]
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