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"WHAT IFs" to Ponder as we Elevate in 2008-- ...." by Robert Ricciardelli
January 06, 2008 05:38PM
The other day I received this post via the ElijahList and having received permission from the author, I am posting it here in it's entirety. In the days ahead I plan to go over each "what if" with more insight from the Holy Spirit in regards to it. Saints, we are living in a time where the call to "be holy as I am holy" is being spoken loudly by our Lord. May we not only hear what He is saying in this hour but may we be doers of His will, bringing forth His kingdom on earth as it is in heaven for His glory and honor!

December 30, 2007

Robert Ricciardelli:

"WHAT IFs" to Ponder as we Elevate in 2008--for Christ and His Kingdom

Every year I share my evolving "What If" list. There are many "what ifs" in situations of life. "What ifs" are good to contemplate, especially looking at our current situations because--"what if" we changed them or adjusted them for the better? We only know in part, so it is always good to check what we think we know often.

Please remember that these are only "what ifs" purposed to shake up paradigms while firming up possible Kingdom foundations. Many of the "what ifs" are happening all around us, but what if they were not just the exception? My prayer is to stimulate our thought process towards ways that bring forth His Kingdom in and through our lives.

Here is a list of some "What Ifs" to ponder as we move into 2008:

What if we could really understand and activate true repentance in every area of our lives instead of just feeling sorry for our patterns of sin?

What if we could forgive every wrong ever committed against us in the past swiftly in the days ahead?

What if we allowed His presence to eradicate bitterness from the depths of our souls?

What if we realized and applied His freedom from every deliberate and unintentional wound of our childhood?

What if we were never a victim again because the revelation of Christ and His grace sufficed daily for us?

What if we could forgive ourselves and move past the shame--simply because Jesus has forgiven us?

What if we accepted and believed with all our heart, soul and mind that Jesus loves us, accepts us and is for us every moment of every day? Just the way we are!

What if we could live the way of the Cross--persecution and dying to self because it is the "narrow way" He asked us to follow?

What if we died to self more so that Christ lived in us more, and we see every single need met as our joy was made complete in Him?

What if we could just rest in who we are in Christ, rather than running around doing activities that He never called us to do? "Being" rather than doing!

What if all fear was eradicated from our lives because to live is Christ and to die is gain?

What if we really believed God loved us and it had nothing to do with our past or our future performances? Resting in Him!

What if pastors and leadership teams around the world would train and release every member of their church into the ministry the Lord called them to--and especially beyond the four walls of organized church?

What if we actually picked up our mats and walked in obedience when we were delivered rather than coming back for prayer and healing for the same things week after week?

What if leaders would seek to always serve beyond ever having to be served?

What if leaders would seek to train and lead others in the vision God has for individual ministers, and then trust the Holy Spirit to move to support the community or corporate vision?

What if leaders did not respond to fear of rejection and failure, but trust the Lord for any perceived numbers they expect to see? Or not look at numbers at all!

What if citywide transformation begins to take place because each individual realized their purpose and calling and was released to fulfill it?

What if every church pastor sought relationship with the other pastors of the community to fulfill a citywide vision beyond their own ministries? And they realized their vision for the city could not be fulfilled without partnering with others?

What if we realized the Lord owned everything we have and He asked us to steward everything? Then ask Him how much to give, where, always willing to give 100% if He were to ask that of us?

What if all the children of God understood and operated in the full authority that Jesus Christ sacrificed for us to have?

What if Kingdomized people begin to bring Kingdom authority to all the gates of the city--so that we would lead the way in government, business, healthcare, media, law and educational jurisdictions of our cities?

What if every believer never settle for how they see themselves and instead, seek the Father to know the full potential of how He sees them?

What if we would accept others and the blessing they are, rather than be offended by them in our differences?

What if we all were willing to serve in every phase of our lives rather than being served?

What would happen if every believer realized the lifetime process we are in and could walk without judging those not as far along in the process?

What if we chose to forgive in every situation (not only because the Father said He would not forgive us unless we did) because it was in our heart to love in that way?

What if we really were blinded to culture, creed and credentials, representing the family of God?

What if we were excited about the uniqueness, difference and expression of each of God's people?

What if spiritual fathers would be motivated with a heart of giving to their spiritual sons that far outweighs any thoughts of what they would receive in return?

What if we had abundantly more shepherds (pastors) willing to run after the few of the flock that have been hurt, isolated, and in need of life-giving expressions of our Savior's love?

What if God's people really prayed and communicated intimately with the Father on a daily basis?

What if we had every Christian home open and available for the faith community every week? And how about daily?

What if every believer was more concerned about being the Father's change agents for people, families and communities, rather than holding on and waiting for Jesus to remove them from the very earth He desires them to change?

What if in our beings, we lived and moved in the Holy Spirit 24 hours a day, 7 days a week?

What if every word or deed was received with the Father's heart and mind and every response that came forth from us in word and deed was likewise from the Father's heart?

What if we would wear a servant's towel rather than a title in leadership?

What if we realized that we must seek to overthrow every idol in our life to really be free to serve in the army of our Lord?

What if we realized that the greatest idol that you and I have is "self," and then began to become selfless in our pursuit of Christ and His Kingdom?

What if every believer realized their obedience to all they do each day was to--ministry unto Him and His Kingdom?

What if every housewife and mother understood that she was in full-time ministry in her role?

What if every businessman or blue-collar worker realized that in Christ, they were full-time ministers in their calling?

What if every business owner understood that people are their greatest resource and began to pastor their businesses?

What if every business owner looked at their employees, vendors and customers as a part of their household?

What if every Christian business owner viewed their lives and businesses as an impact for the community?

What if there was no difference in the perceived spirituality of an organized church pastor and one who pastors their home, business and community?

What if we actually believe God speaks in relevance for today in alignment of the written Word?

What if there was greater prophetic accountability?

What if we had fellowship or connections with others during the week instead of relying on one Sunday service, which was never designed to meet our "one-anothering" needs?

What if the earth really was filled with the glory of the Lord, and He is just waiting for us to get involved?

What if true wealth is measured in what you "give away?"

What if the family became the primary context of the Church?

What if we loved as He loved?

What if we spoke as He spoke?

What if we did what He did?

What if we really believed we could lay hands on the sick and watch them recover?

What if my opinions were okay (just because they were my opinions), and people would love me even if my opinions were different from theirs?

What if we all could appreciate the different cultures and expressions in God's Kingdom, regardless if we understood them or fancied them?

What if people understood the commandment to love and would love by choice rather than out of having to feel the love?

What if even a few of these "what ifs" became realities in people's lives, enabling them to go out and make a bigger Kingdom difference?

What if _______________? (you fill in the blank).

As with God, all things are possible. The what ifs stated can be realities because of the power of the Holy Spirit--Who lives in us. May the "now" questions become future solutions to the glory of our God.

A friend recently shared that the Lord desires His children to begin to see as He sees--from His spiritual eyes rather than the natural way. May all of us see "from above" this year.

Elevate in 2008--for Christ and His Kingdom.

Robert Ricciardelli
Vision Advancement Strategies
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