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A dream last night/early morning with understanding - Jan. 21, 2008
January 21, 2008 04:37PM
Awoke from last night’s dream/dreams with parts still in my awareness. One, I was climbing this rock type thing. Don’t know if it was manmade or what but part of it hung over a very, very steep drop off. It was quite scary to say the least. There was another climbing with me, a younger person, who moved with great confidence and agility. I keep thinking there was a clothesline stretched over this area. In any case, I did make it from one end to another, a bit slower then the younger person.

In another dream or part of this dream (do not know for certain), I seem to end up at Harriet’s house quite often (Harriet is our neighbor in real life and is Jewish). Harriet’s house has gone through a ‘house improvement’ or makeover. It looks beautiful, everything looks brand new and is neat and fresh. I had gone to her house for directions and while following them, I end up somewhere that is unfamiliar to me. I might have taken a bus or car to get there but find myself on a bike and calling her up to get directions back home! Unfortunately, the dream has already faded and I am concerned that if I continue on it will only be coming from me making it up and I don’t want to do that so will end this here. If other memories of the dream come back, I will add them later….

It is now 4:22 pm. This afternoon I was cleaning the kitchen and listening to the cd’s from the Elijah List about what God is saying for 2008. I was listening to a teaching by Dutch Sheets where he retells the incident about being locked out of a house because of Chuck Pierce. It was really funny. Anyway, Dutch goes on to share about miracles, saying how we are coming into a time of miracles and he shared about his dad who was a pastor and walked in anointing for healings back in the 60’s. From there he said we are walking into a time of miracles taking place. Then Chuck Pierce comes on and says how he saw “a clothesline over the people in a certain area and he told them to stand up. He said the clothesline was spread over them and he saw look old clothes had been washed and were made new and he told the people to reach out and put them on because God was clothing them with what they will need in this coming move of God for miracles and such. A clothesline!!! I reached up when he said to and took some for myself and some for Billy and some for our children and grandchildren. Praise be to God! That’s what the Lord was trying to show me last night. While this might be a difficult time right now for Billy and I, we are going to receive and walk in this next move along with the younger generation! Hallelujah!!! I am so excited and so tickled that Daddy God would bring that type of confirmation via a dream and then confirmation through the Chuck Pierce. Glory to God!!!

Dear Saints, my life and that of my family is prophetic. God speaks through the happenings going on in our lives that we might share what He is desiring to do through the body of Christ. As He showed me in the word for 2008 that we will walk in signs, miracles and wonders, He has brought confirmation to that via the dream and the sharing through the Elijah List. Many of you might feel like I did in the dream, a bit scared, not fully confident because of my age, etc., but if we trust in Him and are obedient to His leading, He will bring us through and over any obstacle that might be in our way. Just as I was so encouraged by this dream and teaching, please be encouraged that God has not forgotten you nor has He disqualified for the things He is about to do on the earth. Lean not to your own understanding but in all your ways trust in Him and He will lead you to victory and fulfillment in Christ Jesus. Hallelujah! Put on your climbing shoes and keep pressing in and onward for His glory and your joy.

God bless,

I believe the part about my neighbor who is Jewish is symbolic of what God is about to do in and through the Jewish people. He has not forgotten them and they are entering a day of “new beginnings”. Thank You, Jesus!
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