Anonymous User
Heeding the voice of God
February 01, 2008 08:35AM
"Take warning, My children, for the hour is drawing near when darkness will cover the earth. Great calamity will strike in ways you cannot imagine. Have I not told you to take heed and not be slackful in My words? You still sit in your comfort zones and are neligent of what I have told you to do. My sorrow is all encompassing for My people still think all is well. Yes, many have moved, but the numbers are small in comparison to the need. Why do you sit back? Why do you slumber at My words and wait for another to take action rather than yourself? A day is coming when you will stand before Me and shame will by your clothing, sadness and grief will consume you.

That is not My will. Rise up an shine, My people. Be like the star of David and lead the multitudes to My Son, their very salvation. Have I not called youto be watchmen, keepers of My people, and to set the captives free? These are not idle words. They are words of power. My Son did not leave you powerless. He sent the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you and to empower you from on high. have you not been called out to do the very work My Sodn did - and more? Yet you still sit in your easy chairs, waiting for events to come to you. You are the workers. You are the harvestors. If none work, none is accomplished. The enemy and his troops will be ready for the slaughter. He has commissioned this work a long time ago and because of your slackness he has been successful. And many millions upon millions have died unneedful deaths for I did not call them. The enemy took them. How many more will you allow him to take? How many more will suffer becasue you are not doing your part in the body of Christ?

Oh, my people, wait no longer for the battle is now.
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