Anonymous User
February 14, 2008 10:08AM
This past Monday evening my family watched the movie entitled "Namesake." This is part of the write-up given to this film, "While he respects his immigrant parents and their decision to rear him in his United States birthplace, Gogol Ganguli is torn between Indian traditions and the modern Bostonian lifestyle...."

This movie both touched and disturbed me and I saw that it could have been interpreted as a "propaganda" movie, showing the 'evils' that are present in America. Here was this young Indian couple who moved to America taking with them their ideals and their traditions. They came for a better life where hot water was available 24 hours a day and opportunities were vast. They begin their family, having big hopes for their children in this "land of opportunity". But when the movie progresses and fast forwards to when their children are teenagers, you see the change that has taken place from the parents upbringing to the children's view of their traditions as they take on the American the culture of America. I was heart broken for this Indian couple! They were dear people who wanted the best for their children and they, themselves, were very honorable and respectful. We in America grow up aware of the things around us. I can only imagine what it must be like for those coming in from foreign countries especially for those with high ideologies and moral convictions.

To decades now we are known as "The Great Satan" to certain groups of extremists. What a sad thing that is. Especially when you think about the fact that this country was founded on biblical principles with the land being dedicated to God. "One nation under God" didn't first appear in this country in our Pledge of Alligance. It was dedicated as one nation under God in it's conception. We are His "Nakesake" if you will, and we have so far strayed from the vision the first settlers had when they came to this country. For hundreds of years the people of God who settled in this land sent out missionaries not only upon this land but out to foreign countries as well. Now God is sending missionaries to this country! What does that say about our present condition. Lord, have mercy on this land, in Jesus' name we pray.

Yesterday that movie kept coming back to my remembrance and I knew the Holy Spirit was speaking to me through it. While foreign countries might look upon us as "The Great Satan" there is no doubt in my mind that there are American born people here and immigrants who have come to this land that have their "Namesake" in view. Jesus is His Name and there are thousands upon thousands who are striving to walk in His footsteps, doing that which is pleasing to our heavenly Father. While the majority of people in this land are not of "The Great Satan" there is no doubt that satan has infiltrated this land. The society I grew up in during the 50's and 60's is so different that the society our children and grandchildren are now faced with. It didn't take a far stretch to relate to this Indian couple as they saw how the culture in this land was so different than the culture of the land in which they were raised in. Its been the same for us born and raised here.

I could feel a "victim mentality" rise up in me as I lamented in the change in our country until the Holy Spirit reminded me that we, as Christians, are to be the world changers. We read in Psalms 24 that the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof. And He has given the dominion of the earth over to man with instructions to subdue it (Genesis 1:28). Man lost his rightful place and dominion powers over the earth when he gave it over to the adversary, relinquishing it through disobedience to God. But God restored man back to his original place and influence when He sent His Son to die for their sin and making it available to be "born again" through the finished work of our Savior Jesus Christ on the cross and through His resurrection. Jesus commissioned the sons and daughters of God to do the same works He did upon the earth and greater works than this (John 14:12-14). And through Jesus not are we only to subdue to the earth, but know we are to establish His kingdom upon the earth. Hallelujah!!! Any time we feel overwhelmed by the world and everything that is going on in it we have to recognize that is coming from the enemy. Our "Namesake" said that we can do all things through Christ which strengthens us (Philippians 4:13). We are called as overcomers through Him, not as victims and it is time for the body of Christ to rise up as such.

In the movie, the young man did turn back to his parents traditons and such. It is my prayer that those of us who are His will turn back to Him. Right now we are like the prodigal son in Luke 15:11-32 and we need to know that our Father is waiting for us with open arms. It is time for us to recognize that we have been living in a pig pen and need to turn back to our Heavenly Father, asking for His forgiveness for the state of this country and be willing to do anything He requires of us. Our government is not going to right the wrongs that have been done in this nation. It is up to each of us who call Jesus as Lord and Savior to turn back from our sinful ways and seek His face, asking forgiveness for our sinful ways and lackadaisical Christian walk, coming to Him asking for His help that we might sin no more and then ask Him to heal this land for only He can do that. Oh, Lord, how we need Your help. You have made available to every person on earth to receive Him Whom You sent, Your only begotten Son - to have Christ in us, the hope of glory. May hearts be open to receive Him as Your Namesake and ours as well, in His precious name we pray. Amen.
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