Anonymous User
Jesus' bride? June 23, 2004 entry
May 16, 2007 01:16PM
June 23, 2004

Good Morning, Sweet Lord. I pray You are blessed this day as you look upon Your people.

Lord, I have pondered what You have sunk into my spirit yesterday about the bride/wife being a threat to the world/enemy. And then to see a post about “The Bride of Christ?” gave me confirmation that You are trying to say something to us through all of this. Now Lord, I know that you are not saying that the situation with Abram and Sarai is parallel with You and Your bride but that there is a truth within the words..

I looked up Abram in “Who’s Who in the Bible” and this stood out; “While in Egypt, Abram lied about Sarai, claiming that she was his sister. She was indeed his half sister but he didn’t want the Egyptians to know that she was also his wife. No doubt the motive for his deception was based on the social laws of that time: In enemy territory, a husband could be killed if someone wanted his wife.” Lord, we live in enemy territory (well, the enemy thinks it’s his but we know better!) What we know for certain is that the enemy doesn’t want You to have a bride Jesus, so he is doing all he can to try and steal us away from You by tempting and distracting us, lying to us about Who You are through false doctrine, wrong teaching and presenting a busy schedule before us that keeps us from spending time with You. He wants to kill Your purposes and will within us by his deceptive ways and he wants to destroy our hopes in You by bringing despair in our lives and making us feel alone, abandoned. Lord, he wants to steal us away from You and, oh, too many times we have allowed him to have a place in our hearts, in our minds. Please forgive us, oh Holy One, and bring us back to You that we might be faithful to You, the One we love.

Lord, back to who is Your bride? Revelation 19:6-8 says, “After that I heard what sounded like the shout of a vast throng, like the boom of many pounding waves, and like the roar of terrific and mighty peals of thunder, exclaiming, Hallelujah (praise the Lord)! For now the Lord our God the Omnipotent (the All-Ruler) reigns. Let us rejoice and shout for joy [exulting and triumphant]! Let us celebrate and ascribe to Him glory and honor, for the marriage of the Lamb [at last] has come, and His bride has prepared herself. She has been permitted to dress in fine (radiant) linen, dazzling and white-for the fine linen is (signifies, represents) the righteousness (the upright, just and godly living, deeds and conduct and right standing with God) of the saints (God’s holy people)." Lord, is it those who are righteous before You, those who love not their lives unto death, doing Your will and overcoming the tactics of the enemy through Your Spirit that will be Your bride? If this is the case, sweet Jesus, then, please draw us closer to You. Let us learn to rest our heads on Your bosom that we might hear Your very heartbeat…
I love You Lord.
Anonymous User
Re: Jesus' bride? June 23, 2004 entry
May 16, 2007 03:06PM
Joan, you said this: "Lord, I have pondered what You have sunk into my spirit yesterday about the bride/wife being a threat to the world/enemy."

Today, because of something personal going on within my family, I realized that the devil is out to destroy families, relationships, esp. marriage. {duh.) I just could not see it before in a way that I am today. We all know about it, but we have not seen it in a spiritual sense. The devil is out for the Bride! he wants her destroyed, or somehow out of the Way!

The devil does not want a holy Bride, nor does he want a consummation of a marriage, for it brings forth children! Blessed children of God!

We are so attacked in this arena of faith, that the Bride has not prepared herself for this final battle. She has not looked for her Bridegroom. Her heart is belonging to someone (or something) else.

The Word of the Lord shall come forth to sway her back to the Truth, so that Life comes forth out of her and into this world, for we are the light of this world as we abide in Jesus Christ who is the true Light.

How is one swayed by our Lord? By His Love, and by His touch, and by His Word.

There has been so many lies going out that the devil has deceived the Bride, just like how Eve had been deceived. But this time, the last Adam shall save! And He has!

We're not quite prepared for the marriage supper of the Lamb, but we will be! smiling smiley And how great that Day shall be!

We must learn to stand; we must gain knowledge, understanding and wisdom; we must come under those of His authority receiving His teachings and Word; we must apply, and we must receive; correction is in order and gives us life; we cannot be selfish [self-centered]; we must give, and we must love. Our whole being must change! We must belong unto the One and only God! Jesus must be Lord in our hearts and lives! HE is the only One that we must love!
He loves us dearly, and He has paid the price for us. Won't we receive Him?

May we pray for marriages that are about to be destroyed; may we pray for families that have already been affected/touched by this tragedy. And may we pray for the knowledge, understanding, and wisdom to pray and intercede for these ones in this dilemma. Let's lift up our loved ones who have gone through this, or are going through this. Let's pray for marriage to be restored as God meant it to be, in His Name.

May we stand upon the Rock who is our firm Foundation - Christ Jesus. It is He who builds, who heals, and restores.

God bless you.
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