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Father's love for us - written June 20, 2004
May 31, 2007 08:52AM
Father's love for us..

Good evening Lord,

Finally some time to spend quietly alone with You. Tonight I am sitting in our backyard. It is overcast and before long the stars will be visible, if the clouds will make room. Lord, there is such a serenity out here with you. I thank You for Your peace that abides within me. In this crazy, fast paced world what a treasure it is to have these moments with You. How I pray that others might enjoy You as well, that they might set down their burdens and lose themselves in the sweetness of Your fellowship.

Lord, I know that God walked in the garden with Adam and Even, that He enjoyed that time of communing with them. Never stopped to think how His heart must have been broken when disobedience caused a separation between Himself and those He loved. To some degree, I can relate to the hurt as a parent of a child (actually more than one!) who decided to leave home in what was selfish reasons and contrary to the godly principles that were taught at home. How it hurts the heart not just because of the separation but mostly because you know their wrong action are going to cost them down the line. Yes Father, You are all too mindful of this. Forgive us for our willful ways and wanting to do our own thing and thank You so much for Your endless love and mercy. You are always willing to take us back to You if we repent of our wrong ways. Lord, I just received this for Grace - God Reaching Across Costly Error and bringing us back to Him through Christ Jesus. Thank You Father for Your grace! Thank You Jesus for Your obedience!

Well, Lord, it's getting so dark I can barely see. Think I will continue this tomorrow. For now I will bask in Your presence while thanking our heavenly Father for making this possible! Bless You Lord.
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